I worked in a resturant on my prao. It was very funny. I worked there for 2 weeks and I liked it a lot. I started work 10:00 AM till 16:00 AM Monday to Friday. I did stuffs like cleaning and serv food and that kind of stuffs so i really liked it. I think the funniest with the prao was cleaning actualy becuase when you do that you feel free. I like the prao more than the school because you feld much more free when you are there. In school you need to be still the most time but on prao you almost can move all the time. And one other thing I liked was that you dont need to write because in school you do that every day. You didn´t need to do that so mutch when you worked in a resturant so it was 2 very funny weeks.
Kevin 8b 2013/04/25